Carnival Sunshine

CT020 – 12/11/2021 Scope of Work: Replacement Trunk- Air Intake 5.7.
CT020.2 – 18/11/2021 Scope of Work: Cold room N.8 New SS Floor and Skirting.
CT054 – 12/03/2023 Scope of Work: Restoring ducts E28, E29, E210B on DK4 to Dk8.
CT054.6.1 – 22/07/2023 Scope of Work: Insulation chilled water pipe.
CT054.6.2 – 24/09/2023 Scope of Work : Chilled Water Armaflex Insulation Duct Replacement
CT054.6.3 – 24/10/2023 Scope of Work : Chilled Insulation Duct Replacement
CT054.6.4 – 26/11/2023 Scope of Work : Chilled Insulation and Duct Replacement
CT082 – 30/11/2023 Scope of Work : Trunk inlet dk 0 refurbishment

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